
Agilitest Standalone

You can execute Agilitest as a Standalone version which means a version with all ATS tools that does not require Internet access to work.

Download Agilitest in Standalone

To have a Standalone version of Agilitest, you need to follow these steps:

  1. To have an Agilitest password

Your Agilitest password is made during the creation of your licence.

If you don’t have one, go to the URL:

Ener your user ID and a password will be sent to your mail address.

         2. Connect

Go to the URL:

Enter your username and your password and then click on “LOGIN


           3. Download Agilitest Standalone version

Three Standalone versions are available:

  • The simple Agilitest version
  • The Agilitest version with Jenkins
  • The Agilitest version with Jenkins and the SAP driver

You have two possibilities to download the Standalone:

  • By clicking on the “Download” button next to the version you want.
  • By copying the link of the version and paste it in the browser’ search bar. This link will not change and can be used again during automation, without having to authentify.l

🔸 Warning

Please note that you will be downloading a customized Agilitest Editor version with your Agilitest account ID, so do not distribute this archive outside your organization.

Once the Standalone folder is downloaded, you will need to unzip your archive.

standalone archive

You'll find yourself with the version of Agilitest and its tools that can be used independently.

Finally, launch Agilitest from your unzipped Standalone folder.

Customize the Standalone version

You can also customize the versions of your Webdrivers on your Standalone version.

To do this, go to the downloaded Standalone folder: tools/ats-tools/<ats_version>/drivers

Then change the Webdriver versions as you wish.

You can also automate recovery by scripting using the Wget and Curl commands:

  • wget "<Recovered_Token>" -o
  • curl -o "<Recovered_Token>"

For Linux commands:

  • wget -c -O  '<Recovered_Token>'
  • curl -L -C - -o  '<Recovered_Token>'
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